Sales Of Silent Sex Toys Surge

Sex-tech has an answer to the problem of noisy sex toys. Gone are the days when getting off is hampered by roommates or family members—thanks to silent sex toys. Sex toy sales have skyrocketed since the pandemic began, but the silent models appeal to people who have been forced to live, work and relax in close proximity to others.

The Lora di Carlo Ose 2, which “mimics oral,” is beloved among its loyal users—in addition to it being silent, you can “enjoy mind-blowing new sensations on your journey to hands-free blended orgasms.” There’s also the Whisper Quiet G-Spot Petite Rabbit Vibrator, which is a bestseller and boasts only 35 decibels. Many silent sex toys are quieter than a refrigerator, which usually runs at about 50dbs. 

Feeling frisky? We have everything you need to “relax” at home on NiteFlirt!

Check out more about silent sex toys:

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