Sex Is Best In Your Sixties, Survey Finds

holdinghandsContrary to popular belief, sex gets better as you get older. A new report shows that your sex life actually reaches its peak in your 60s. The eighth annual Singles in America survey taken by more than 5,000 single people in the US found that single women are having the best sex at 66 years old and men at 64.

According to sex therapists, this is because as you get older and know what you like, sex is more fulfilling. It’s also because when you’re older, you’re more free to explore the dimensions of your sexuality, especially since you are less limited about what other people, society, and your partner think. Older people continue to stay frisky well into their 80s, with many of them reporting having sex, oral sex and masturbating even in their 80s and 90s. So there you have it: sex isn’t just a young person’s game.

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Check out more about how sex is better in your 60s:

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