Some Boys in the Dominican Republic Don’t Grow Dicks Until Puberty

genitaliafruitA new BBC series called Countdown to Life: The Extraordinary Making of You explores a strange phenomenon in the Dominican Republic where boys who were thought to be girls suddenly grow penises at puberty. These seemingly sex-swapping group of people are called “guevedoces,” or “penis at twelve.” Because they do not have obvious male genitalia at birth, they are raised as girls until around the age of twelve when it becomes abundantly clear that they are in fact boys.

The condition is the result of an enzyme deficiency, so even though guevedoces have Y chromosomes and testosterone, they aren’t able to make the chemical that causes the penis and scrotum to emerge. Their genitalia stay tucked inside the abdomen, which is why the boys appear to look female despite having internal reproductive systems that are male. It isn’t until puberty when the testes inside their abdomens start producing large amounts of testosterone that they grow penises and take on male characteristics, like facial hair, a deeper voice, and a male physique. While the change is abrupt and startling for both the boys and their families, most often they quickly adjust to their new bodies. Sexual development is amazing!

Come celebrate the miracles of the human body with us!

Gizmodo has more about guevedoces.

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1 Response to Some Boys in the Dominican Republic Don’t Grow Dicks Until Puberty

  1. Posh says:

    Wow that’s crazy and so fascinating.

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