The artist who paints with the scent of a woman’s pussy

The artist, Peter de Cupere, is scandalizing the art world with his new exhibition entitled, “The Paintbrush of Gustave Courbet,” in which he uses a paint brush made of pubes and paint that smells of a woman’s pussy. De Cupere is paying tribute to the original artist, Gustave Courbet, who shocked the world in 1866 with his supposedly obscene painting which features a close-up image of a woman’s pussy, entitled “The Origin of the World.” It seems the pussy is both artists’ muse, and the reason for de Cupere replicating not only its appearance but also its smell is simple: “a woman’s vagina smells great, and more men should respect that,” he explains.best_phone_sex_niteflirt_sexygirl76

For the work, de Cupere takes a paintbrush and replaces the bristles with pubic hair, then uses his signature pussy smell made from a mixture of “women from different races and nationalities.” The artist has gotten quite a lot of impassioned responses, mostly from men—which Gustave Courbet could certainly relate to. “Paintbrush” is a tribute to the artist Courbet as well as a “tribute to the feminine and more specifically to the female fantasies and pleasure,” de Cupere says. “Nothing as creative to start with an empty canvas and to brush down your desires with the smell of vagina!”

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