The Fetish of Laying Alien Eggs Inside Your Body

Images Source: Primal Hardwere

The newest thing in weird sex fetishes: a dildo that is used to implant “alien eggs” inside yourself. The unusual sex toy is called a Ovipositor, which is basically an intimidating looking dildo that “lays goopy eggs molded from gelatin in the body cavity of your choice,” according to Vice. Alien egg fetishists say they get off on the sensation of mushy alien ovum overflowing from their bodies. So here’s what the entrepreneur says of the fetish he describes as “enormous egg-laying alien dicks.”

“The idea is to replicate the act of being impregnated with eggs. Usually from an alien or insect. If you’ve seen the Aliens movies, you’llget the picture,” the man who goes by Lone Wolf says. Since many people find laying alien eggs inside oneself arousing, he came up with the idea to create a hollow, phallus-shaped dildo to insert the gelatin eggs. Lone Wolf says the fetishists who like his product are just regular people from all different cultures. In explaining the weird fetish, Lone Wolf says, “It blurs the line of our own humanity to find sexual pleasure with something that is so far from human, and for some, just talking about it gets them wet.”

Feel like indulging your own fetish? Human or alien, we are open to all kinds of kinky stuff here!

Check out more about the alien egg fetish here.

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