The History Behind Cosmo’s Infamous Donut Blowjob

Pink_frosted_sprinkled_donutCosmopolitan is famous for its weird, creative, and totally unrealistic sex tips. The magazine has prompted its readers to incorporate such items as a string of pearls, an electric toothbrush, a scrunchie, refrigerated marbles, tomato sauce, and a mango slice into their bedrooms. But their outrageous cover that featured a glazed donut to be used during a blowjob literally took the cake. In tip No. 30, an anonymous boyfriend said, “My girlfriend gets a glazed donut and sticks my penis through the hole. She nibbles around it, stopping to suck me every once in a while. The sugar beads from her mouth tingle on my tip.”

The tip has since come to be known as the most infamous Cosmo sex tip ever written, with authors such as Tom Wolfe, Maureen Dowd, and performance artist Anna Pulley all mocking or satirizing the ridiculous line in their work. But even more outrageous than the tip itself was the way the magazine embraced the donut blowjob’s cult status, reprinting the sex tip several times (including in three books) and even adding a new piece about a study suggesting that the smell of donuts “increases penile blood flow” in men. For all of the magazine’s ludicrous sex tips, you have to hand it to Cosmo for whole-heartedly embracing a spirit of endless sexual experimentation—naysayers and prudes be damned!

In the mood for a little dessert? We are always up for something sweet—and sinful!

Check out the history of Cosmo’s donut blowjob.

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