Things Gay Pornstars Are Tired of Hearing

Screenshot from | mendotcom VideosAlthough the life of a gay pornstar has its advantages (lots of hot gay sex, anyone?), the realities aren’t always enviable. Especially considering all the judgment and stupid questions people ask on a regular basis. To give a glimpse into a day in the life of a gay pornstar, a new video highlights the most annoying things they hear every day. Here are the highlights (watch the video—and the sexy shirtless pornstars—below)

  1. Oh, you’re so much smarter than I thought you would be!”
    This stereotype is just one of the annoying things adult film actors have to deal with.
  2. When are you going to get a real job?”
    Um, we’re pretty sure fucking guys on screen for hours at a time is a real job!
  3. It must be really hard for you to find dates in real life.”
    *Every guy in video rolls eyes
  4. How do you get off with people in porn when you’re not attracted to them?”
    This is why porn is most certainly a real job! These people are professionals, people!
  5. Does your granny know what you do?”
    Well if she does, she’s one cool granny!
  6. Do you ever feel like you’re judged unfairly by what you do?”
    Here, all the guys were cracking up.
  7. How does porn impact your relationship?”
    “What relationship?” retorts a pornstar.
  8. How does it feel to know people are getting off to you?”
    *coy, proud grins

Want to do things you’d never tell your granny about? We can give you a permanent grin right here!

Check out the video of things gay pornstars are tired of hearing here or watch the video below

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