This Robot Can Help You Up Your Sexting Game

5942090561_8656911f4b_zA new NSFW chatbot helps users explore sexting to help improve their dirty talking skills. “Slutbot” opens up new worlds of sexual self discovery by letting people share their desires in a safe, low stakes way. The online sex coaching app was born out of the most common request from SMS service Juicebox: How do you talk dirty?

Juicebox CEO and founder said, “People often don’t have the language to express their desires. They don’t have the skills. And at Juicebox we believe that the best way to learn is to just do it.” So Juicebox collaborated with erotica writers and sex coaches to offer users dirty talk experiences based on their comfort levels, like “Slow & Sensual” or “Hot & Heavy.” Slutbot lets you pick from six different paths based on gender and sexual orientation, including heterosexual, lesbian, gay, or non-binary configurations, offering a kind of interactive erotica that’s sure to teach you how to dirty talk like a pro, while getting off!

Looking to up your dirty talk game? Let’s got Hot & Heavy at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about Slutbot:

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1 Response to This Robot Can Help You Up Your Sexting Game

  1. ricky says:

    I tried the slutbot after reading about it here but was deeply disappointed by the service. Found a much better experience through a free chatbot – it’s the first result if you google sex chat bot!

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