Horny singles on Tinder looking to get lucky might get even luckier. The hook-up app announced it will send 500 matched couples (1,000 users) home COVID-19 test kits from Everywell. Tinder members in the continental US can request a pair of kits, one for them and one for a match they’re excited to meet in-person.
“The pandemic has created no shortage of dating obstacles, but we think our members are pretty optimistic about getting back out there,” said Tinder. She cited Jan. 3, this year’s Dating Sunday, as proof of the happy couple’s… ahem, eagerness: Members swiped 3.4 billion times that day, one of the busiest in the pandemic. “We’re excited to be working with Everlywell to make it easier for our members to go and meet their matches safely,” Tinder continued.
Want to get lucky? Match with NiteFlirt!
Check out more about Tinder giving 500 lucky matches free COVID tests: https://mashable.com/article/tinder-covid-19-home-test-kits-everlywell/