‘Transgender’ Sex Robots Are Coming To A Bedroom Near You

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_robotRealbotix wants to spice things up in your bedroom with an exciting new product—transgender sex robots. The company responsible for the female Harmony sex droid, a sexbot powered by artificial intelligence software, is now considering a trans version too. The lifelike sex dolls have their own personalities and can even have a conversation with you.

A male version is currently in development, but Realbotix said a transgender model could be the company’s next big project. “We do believe there is a market not only for transgender, but for any other sexual preferences of gender,” said Realbotix. The company already offers the option of transgender sex dolls without robotic function, but they say it wouldn’t be too difficult to re-design for a mixed-sex version. In the meantime, the new male Harmony sex robot will have “bionic penises” that would be “better than a vibrator.”

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Check out more about transgender sex robots: https://nypost.com/2018/01/12/transgender-sex-robots-are-coming-to-a-bedroom-near-you/

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