What Gets People Off at Sex Emporiums Around the World

via Wikipedia

via Wikipedia

International sex shops, just like the different cultures and people of various parts of the world, are unique and distinctive. Since every continent and country has their own naughty tastes and preferences when it comes to getting off, Vice decided to investigate international sex emporiums to find out what turns people on all around the world. Here’s some of the interesting things that they found.

In Germany, the uber-popular sex mega-shops cater mainly to fräulein (women), with vibrators as their best-selling item last year. Berlin is also home to DILDOKING, which as the name suggests sells dildos, but also plenty of vibrators, anal beads or “love balls”, fetish gear and more. In Japan, the most famous sex shop is M, a seven-story mecca that carries, of course, Doll pillows, and basically anything else you might fancy. In China, the biggest sex store is Juse, which has 500 stores nationwide, and sells vibrators and BDSM toys as its most popular merch. So, as it turns out, while people are different all over the world, we’re all pretty similar when it comes to our sex toys!

Feel like illuminating your desire with us? We cater to all tastes and preferences right here!

Here’s Vice‘s international sex mega-shops investigation.

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1 Response to What Gets People Off at Sex Emporiums Around the World

  1. Volker says:

    Berlin is also the home of one of the oldest sexshops called “Erotikversand Store”.

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