What is your wildest Valentine’s Day story?

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and, to get us all in the mood, we want to hear about your wildest Valentine’s Day story! It can be funny, romantic, or just plain dirty. Because, let’s be honest, we’re all fans of the dirty around here.

Submit your story to us by filling out a Customer Support Form by February  6th (don’t forget to include your NiteFlirt Member Name). NiteFlirt will narrow down the entries and post the top stories here so you can vote for your favorite!

And, to make it a little more exciting, the winning story will receive a $50 credit to your NiteFlirt account and the title of the wildest valentines story on NiteFlirt!



  • Original stories only! Please, no plagiarism.
  • Stories containing content in violation of NiteFlirt’s policies will be disqualified.
  • By submitting your story, you are allowing NiteFlirt to post it on phonesexblog.niteflirt.com and it will be accredited with your NiteFlirt Member Name. If you wish to remain anonymous, just let us know.
  • We know some of you have more than one wild valentine’s story in your past, so enter as many times as you like!


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4 Responses to What is your wildest Valentine’s Day story?

  1. This looks like a lot of fun. I know many of my guys will be entering and I’m sure they’ll be sending it right back to me if one wins $50. 🙂

  2. OMG I so have to do this. Unfortunately, I can only talk about the one last year but it’s pretty wild. I can’t wait!

  3. I just sent a message to my customers. I hope they do it because I want to play. There is nothing more exciting than hearing about someone’s dirty time. I love a good story.

  4. Kiwi Candy says:

    Oh this will be fun! I will definitely get my callers to participate as well as my own .. hehe!

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