What’s all this SOPA and PIPA and protest talk about?

Normally, we don’t stray far from naughty discussions here at NiteFlirt. In support of today’s blackout protest against PIPA (Protect IP Act) and SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), which are up for congressional vote in the near future, we are making an exception.

Today, many sites such as Wikipedia, WordPress , Craigslist and Reddit are protesting SOPA and PIPA by blacking out their sites to raise awareness. Other sites, such as Google, are making information readily available to educate users on what these bills really mean. And if you are like many of us and spend most of your time on NiteFlirt, and not the likes of Google or WordPress, you may not be aware of these two bills.

Both SOPA and PIPA have good intent, stopping illegal online piracy and copyright infringement by foreign sites. However, many believe that in practice they will actually do little to stop piracy and instead limit free expression and hinder sites that contain user generated content, such as NiteFlirt, by imposing strike penalties if copyright protected content is found on a site.

We urge you to take four minutes to watch this video, ‘PROTECT IP / SOPA Breaks The Internet’  by Fight For the Future, which explains it better than we could.

If you agree that SOPA and PIPA are not the right action, contact your local representatives and let them know you oppose SOPA and PIPA.

Now that you’ve had your dose of politics, isn’t there a Flirt you should be calling? 😉

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2 Responses to What’s all this SOPA and PIPA and protest talk about?

  1. Thanks for posting this, NiteFlirt. I had heard about SOPA, but I wasn’t really sure what it was or why it was bad. I feel a lot more educated now. If I can ever manage to put my vibrator down, I’ll see about contacting my representatives.


  2. Don’t forget the International treaty ACTA. More bureaucratic BS. If we all lived liked Libertarians then we would have all these crazy rules and people who steal things would get into trouble the normal way by the local police department or get sued.

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