Women Are Better At Hiding Affairs, Study Says

feetA new study reveals that women are much harder to read when it comes to cheating. Researchers asked men and women to pick out cheaters from the pack, and while it was easy to tell who the male cheaters were, when it came to women, men had a much harder time telling who was unfaithful. The study gathered 1,500 heterosexual, white adults to analyze photographs and rank faces on a scale where a rating of one indicated a face that is “not at all likely to be unfaithful,” while a 10 is “extremely likely” to fool around.

Experts found that both men and women were capable of predicting a man’s infidelity — but neither could reliably asses a woman’s. Men with more “masculine” features were more likely to be pegged as cheaters by both men and women — and rightfully so: more of these men had actually cheated or poached women already in relationships. But when it came to women, it was anyone’s guess

Looking for something naughty? We’re “extremely likely to fool around” here at NiteFlirt!

Check out more about a study that shows women are better at hiding affairs: https://nypost.com/2019/04/17/women-are-better-at-hiding-their-cheating-study/

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