You Can Soon Have ‘Sex’ With Amazon’s Alexa

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_robotEveryone’s favorite virtual assistant will soon be able to assist in your sex life! Alexa, Amazon’s voice controlled AI, has made its way into the Lovense series of smart sex toys. Lovense toys can already be controlled remotely using an app, but before long you can give Alexa commands that will also activate them.

Kinksters will be able to control their partners’ sex toys from afar, including changing the intensity of the vibrations. You’ll be able to ask Alexa to make you or your partner “smile,” which will result in a less powerful buzz than asking to “moan,” or even “scream.” Lovense is also working on making it possible for Alexa to set an alarm clock for the toys to vibrate at specific times of the day, and for Alexa to sync your toy to Spotify to make it buzz along to music.

Looking for a “smart” way to enhance your sex life? We can always make you smile, moan or scream here on NiteFlirt!

Check out more about using Alexa in the bedroom:

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