Your ‘Smart’ Sex Toy Is Vulnerable To Hackers

Screen Shot 2015-06-18 at 2.52.11 PMIt seems everything is “smart” these days: cars, fitness, and yes, even sex toys. But a Def Con hacking conference recently proved that no smart technology is immune from hackers—even your dildo. Two hackers demonstrated using a We Vibe 4 Plus, a Bluetooth-enabled couple’s vibrator, just how easy it is for others to collect data about you via your smart sex toy. And you won’t believe what manufacturers can find out about you when you get off.

They can track everything from how high of an intensity you like to the temperature of the device, information that basically tells them exactly which orifice you’re sticking your sex toy into. While the president of We Vibe commented by explaining that the data “is collected purely for hardware diagnostic purposes,” it doesn’t change the fact that the company is able to store and potentially use that data with impunity. “As teledildonics come into the mainstream, human sexual pleasure has become connected with the concerns of privacy and security,” the hackers said in their conference. So the question really becomes: “Do you care if the manufacturer is tracking your activity, sexual health and to whom you give control? How do you really know who is making you squirm with pleasure?”

In the mood to squirm with pleasure yourself? We know how to hack into what you like right here!

Check out more about how your smart sex toy can be hacked here:

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