You’ve Never Seen Anything Like This Artist’s Erotic, Surreal Tumblr

NSFW Girls UnawareA Hamburg-based male artist, who chooses to remain anonymous, is behind the fantastical freakiness Girls Unawares, the Tumblr that remixes body parts into monstrous creations. The Tumblr is both an erotic celebration and a radical project in the name of self-love and acceptance. “Sure, masturbate or let someone you love choke you. Your body hair, stretch marks and freckles are beautiful!” says the artist.

He uses clay to make such works as an erect cock in a priest’s robe, arms wide open like Christ the Redeemer. You’ll also find bright, candy-striped toothpaste neatly being squeezed out of an anus and onto a toothbrush! Other uncanny creations include a pussy with cat whiskers, a cigarette-smoking vayjayjay, and a butthole serving up frozen yogurt! The artist takes cues from the generation of virtual activists and creatives he finds on Tumblr, who reject white-washed images of “artificially beautified bodies” and instead go for “radical acceptance”: “They use BDSM as their playground or just as a fashion statement. And most importantly, they want to decide for themselves about their bodies and their sexuality.” Nothing weird about that!

Want to have some fantastically freaky experiences yourself? Let’s get weird and wild!

Check out the erotic, surreal works of Girls Unawares:

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