“Our Beds Are Crowded”

By Wicked Barbie

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As the noted psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud famously said, “Our beds are crowded,” and indeed they are. What Freud meant is that quite simply, our current sexual interactions are the sum total of past relationships, fantasies, and to some extent, current fetishes or sexual conflicts. I have never been more acutely aware of this than during my time as a Niteflirt Phone Sex Mistress. When a new submissive calls me, and a connection is made, that is I take him on as my submissive, and he chooses me as his dominatrix, I am not only dealing with the submissive and his or her fetishes; rather, I am dealing with the psychosexual layers of his past mistresses. It is akin to a sexual archeological dig, and one must be careful when dealing with cherished relics of the past.

It has been my experience that a past Mistress may have been a positive experience for the submissive who has now made his way to me, or perhaps she has left some emotional debris that must be dealt with in order to move on in the sub’s sexual odyssey. Whatever the case may be, regardless of her impact, she is to some extent a component of the relationship I am now establishing with the submissive, and when dealing with a submissive who has been engaged in a fetish lifestyle for a number of years, we are dealing with a bed that is overflowing with people!

It is interesting how we are in some sense all interconnected, though in actuality, our paths may never cross. As I am a fairly new dominatrix, I would submit that I not only learn about this lifestyle via the submissive callers I have had the pleasure of knowing, but also from what their Mistresses have taught them. I in turn, use what I have learned in conjunction with my own methodology, and the process of sharing information carries on in a continuum of sorts.

In any case, I would submit that Freud was correct; “Our beds are Crowded,” but do give me a call.  There’s always room for one more.

-Ze Wicked Barbie

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