“August Blowout” Goodies Contest & Bonus Giveaways

Summer is in full swing and we can barely contain ourselves with all the sun, fun, sex, and excitement! At the beginning of the season, we kicked things off with a little “May Madness” — a contest that let us give a little something back to our community for doing iStock_000009106859MOST-SMALLsuch a great job of welcoming Goodies to the site. So we thought it would be appropriate to send the summer off with another contest! Say hello to your “August Blowout”!

This go-around you’ll have a bunch of ways to win some extra cash and also keep building up your Goodies.

August Blowout Contests
During August we’ll be tallying who sells the most Goodies again, but in a different way. Last time we determined our winners according to who made the most money on Goodies sales. This time we are going to focus on how many unique customers you sell Goodies to over a two week span. When a customer buys one of your Goodies (to qualify, Goody Bag must be priced over $1.99), the purchase will count in your overall tally. But repeat purchases by the same customer, even if he buys a different bag, won’t be counted again. This means you have to keep hustling and keep bringing in different customers for your best chance to win! We’ll be running two big contests this August as well, so stay motivated all month!

Aug 1st – Aug 15th        Aug 16th – Aug 31st
1st: $500                        1st: $500
2nd: $250                        2nd: $250
3rd: $100                        3rd: $100

These are just your first two opportunities to win some extra money though!

August Bonuses
You’ll have two shots at a $100 bonus this month, and you can earn both! No catch and no competition. If you sell over $1000 in Goodies during the first two weeks of the month, you’ll earn a $100 bonus. Then you’ll have the same opportunity over the last two weeks as well — sell over $1000 and earn another $100 bonus. Earn both and take away $200 in bonuses for August!

August Champion
In addition to the above opportunities, the Flirt who sells the most (in total dollar amount) will earn a special $300 bonus for each two week period in August! So if a Flirt sells the most during the first two weeks and then sells the most during the second two weeks again, that’s $600! A nice chunk of change to whoever can get out there and sell, sell, sell!

It’s been a great summer here at NiteFlirt and we hope you are having just as much fun as we are. Let’s send this warm season out with a bang and with an explosion of free cash!

Good luck!




All Flirts providing services on NiteFlirt are eligible for the August Blowout, August Bonuses and August Champion promotions. All Flirts will automatically be entered unless they notify NiteFlirt that they do not want to participate. Each NiteFlirt account is considered it’s own entry, sales from accounts can not be combined.  Sales of Goodies that are found to be in violation of NiteFlirt’s policies, purchased by the seller, or otherwise deemed fraudulent by NiteFlirt in its sole discretion, will not be included in the final sales total.  August Blowout Contest is based on the total amount of individuals who purchase your Goodies, multiple buys from one customer will not count towards your total.  Only Goodies priced at $2.00 or more are eligible.  August Bonuses and August Champion are based on the total amount paid for your Goodies. Promotion runs from 12:00am UTC August 1, 2014 – 11:59pm UTC August 15, 2014 (phase 1) and 12:00am UTC August 16, 2014 – 11:59pm UTC August 31, 2014 (phase 2). Winners will be announced in the NiteFlirt Speaker’s Forums. Prize money will be credited to the winning NiteFlirt accounts within 14 days of the end of the promotion. 
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4 Responses to “August Blowout” Goodies Contest & Bonus Giveaways

  1. August blowout hmmmm summer’s almost over time to get into some hot n heavy phonesex here on niteflirt.

    May the best phone bone win!

  2. German Mistress Leona Stern says:

    This is Great! Thank you Niteflirt =D

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