Grandmother Mistook Silicon Sex Toys For Thermal Socks

wtf-1780728_640You can imagine a man’s surprise when his grandmother mistook his sex toys for a pair of socks. It seems granny put the man’s flesh-lights on her feet, thinking they were thermal socks. A hilarious video—that has obviously gone viral—shows the man attempting to remove the sex toys from his grandmother’s feet.

As one might imagine, the “socks” were difficult to remove. But after vigorously pulling at them (as we can only imagine he’s used to doing with these particular sex toys…) they eventually came off her feet. The man jokingly added on Twitter that the “socks” were “still warm.”

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Check out more about a grandmother using flesh-lights as socks:

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1 Response to Grandmother Mistook Silicon Sex Toys For Thermal Socks

  1. Marty Graham says:

    hahaha someone send grandma this article to choose her next sexventure! 😀

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