Locals Mistake Washed Up Sex Doll On the Beach For an Angel

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_FOYIn today’s “Oh My God” news stories, Indonesian villagers found a washed up sex doll on the beach—and mistook it for a fallen angel! Not only that, but even the local news organization was duped by the silicon imposter, according to the Telegraph. “This angel child also was found face down, crying and naked covered only a white cloth,” the local news, Pojok Satu, wrote of the doll.

A fisherman first found the sex doll and brought it back to his house, where villagers changed its clothes and gave it a new hijab every day for a month. It didn’t take long for rumors of the “angel” to spread, including that it was found in tears. When police eventually got wind of the so-called divine discovery, they finally confirmed that it was a sex doll. “They have no internet, they don’t know what a sex toy is,” the police chief explained, according to the BBC. Maybe the villagers can count that as a divine intervention?

Want to have an otherworldly experience yourself? We can make you feel like you’ve been kissed by an angel here!

Check out more about the sex toy that was mistaken for an angel here: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/sex-toy-washes-indonesian-beach-locals-angel-article-1.2624725

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