New Sex Toy Lets You Experience a Porn Star’s Every Thrust in 3-D


The new sex toy the “eJaculator” is promising to take virtual sex to the next level. Not only will you be able to watch porn in 3-D, but with this device you’d actually be able to feel the porn star’s every movement as if it were really happening. The eJaculator’s creator said, “What you see is what you feel. Whether that is a guy moving in and out of a girl or a woman jumping on top of the guy.”

The eJaculator works by downloading an app onto a smartphone and then using a special headset to allow the viewer to see custom porn scenes specially for them. There’s also a masturbation sleeve (in shapes like mouths, anuses and even extraterrestrial sex organs!) that is synced up with the headset, which lets the user feel the physical sensations projected on the screen. The eJaculator’s sex tech team are currently working to create porn POV content that will work with the sex toy—and if that sounds challenging, that’s because it is. They’ll need to figure out how to synchronize the masturbation sleeve’s movements to a porn star’s thrusts, bumps and grinds. But thankfully, the ambitious team is confident they can do it within a year or two.

Looking for a realistic, pleasurable experience? You don’t need a special headset and 360-degree cameras for that—we’ve got everything you need right here!

Check out more about the eJaculator!

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