Straight Guys Are Using Vibrators Much More Than Ever Before

best_phone_sex_niteflirt_zombieA recent report printed in Mel Magazine shows straight guys are engaging in auto-erotic ass-play with much more frequency than you might have expected. The report was conducted by a psychologist based in Albuquerque, New Mexico who surveyed hundreds of men on their past masturbatory habits. And what the study found was that a good percentage of straight men use vibrators and other objects to get themselves off.

According to the results of the report, almost 1 in 3 men have used vibrators to help themselves get off, 1 in 4 insert any object such as a butt plug, and 1 in 3 men stimulate themselves with their fingers. These findings prove that straight guys are starting to embrace ass-play at a much higher frequency than in recent years. In a 2009 study led by Trojan condoms, only 17% of straight guys said that they used vibrators during masturbation. According to a sex therapist, the significant increase in the use of vibrators by straight men implies that there’s less of a stigma around ass-play now. He explains: “It’s very common. A lot of men have heard about it, so it’s safer to engage in self anal-play than to engage in it with another person. If I’m giving it to myself, it doesn’t have the cultural stigma attached to that area.” Here’s to a future with more sex-positivity and more backdoor fun!

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