Dildo Drone Is the Perfect Sex Toy For Masturbating Multitaskers

Image Source: YouTube.com | User: Dildo Everything

Ever wanted to indulge in other pleasures at the same time you get off? Well now you can, thanks to the latest in hands-free sex toys that’s promising to fly off the adult store shelves: the Dildo Drone. That’s right, the Dildo Drone is the must-have device for all those multitasking masturbators out there!

In the Dildo Drone’s promotional video (watch below), a very happy customer sits back as her flying drone dildo allows her to simultaneously satisfy all her sinful pleasures: drinking a beer, eating a hamburger, and getting fucked by a dildo! “You know the problem with dildos is that you have to use one or both hands to get the job done. But what if I wanted to eat this burger and drink this beer at the same time?” she says. “Now I can enjoy three of my favorite things at the exact same time: beer, burger, dildo.” Unfortunately for the beer, burger, and dildo lovers out there, the video is a gag. One can always dream, though.

Looking to indulge all your pleasures? We can make you feel like you’re experiencing all of your favorite things at the same time here!

Check out more about the Dildo Drone by clicking here or watch the video below.

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